Living expenditure as a student

You should expect to pay the following expenses during your stay in Germany:

· living expenses (rent, food, clothing, books, telephone, …)

· semester contribution

· health insurance

· possible tuition fees

Average prices:

Rent and utilities

€ 300-350

Food and drink

€ 165


€ 52

Learning materials

€ 30

Car and public transportation

€ 82

Health insurance, medical costs, medicine

€ 66

Telephone, internet, TV

Recreation, culture, sports

€ 33

€ 68

Total approx.

€ 800


1 loaf of bread

2,- Euro

1 kg apples     

1,99 Euro

1 kg potatoes

0,99 Euro

1 liter milk      

0,90 Euro

1 bottle of mineral water (0,75 Liter)

0,80 Euro

1 cup of coffee (at a café)      

2,50 Euro

1 glas of beer (at a bar)          

3,- Euro

1 pizza (at a restaurant)          

4,- to 6,- Euro

1 lunch (at student restaurant)

about 2,50 Euro

1 pair of shoes

30,- to 100.- Euro

1 t-shirt           

10,- to 50,- Euro

1 pair of jeans 

30,- to 100,- Euro

1 ticket for the movies (reduced fare)

6,- Euro

1 ticket for the theatre (reduced fare)

6,- to 30,- Euro

1 entrance into a museum (reduced fare)

2,- to 8,- Euro